At Bowling Green, we are dedicated to providing quality care as well as resources to those dealing with substance use disorders and addiction. Below are local resources for those living near and around Chester County, PA.
12-Step Programming Near Kennett Square, PA
Individuals throughout the world have utilized 12-Step programming to help them achieve and maintain recovery from addiction. While the steps themselves can be fairly simple to understand, they can be challenging to incorporate into your life. Thankfully, by attending meetings offered by Alcoholics Anoynmous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and receiving support from others, you can develop the skills needed to apply these steps into your life so that recovery can be possible.
Local Resources
When you complete professional treatment, you will likely be given an aftercare plan that may include your participation in 12-Step meetings like those offered through AA and NA. In fact, many aftercare plans will encourage individuals to participate in 90 meetings in 90 days, which means that you must attend 90 meetings in 90 consecutive days.
These meetings offer you a space to share your experiences with drug and alcohol addiction with others in the community, as well as listen to their experiences, too. Not only will you have the opportunity to speak about your disease, but you will also learn new coping skills, as well as benefit from the comradery of others who attend meetings.
To find AA and NA meetings in Kennett Square, PA, please click on the following links:
For those who are struggling with the symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder, there is support available in Chester County. Each of these mental illnesses can cause an individual to experience numerous challenges that impact everyday life.
If you have depression or bipolar disorder, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and alone in your struggles, however it is important to know that there is a network of support for you to tap into. To find support groups, please click the link below:
For Loved Ones
When someone you care for is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, or is experiencing symptoms of depression or bipolar disorder, you can suffer your own personal upset that can cause you to feel inundated with stress. At this time, you might benefit greatly by participating in meetings specifically designed to address your needs.
Community programs such as Alateen and Al-anon are 12-Step based programs that connect you with other local individuals who can relate to the presence of drug and alcohol addiction in your life. Here, you are invited to share your experiences as you see them, as well as listen to others.
This can promote healing, the development of coping skills, and the establishment of a tight-knit support group that you can rely on. To find meetings in Chester County, please visit the following link:
Making the Most of Meetings
Once you find meetings or groups that you are comfortable with, it is helpful to become as engaged in them as possible so that you can receive the maximum benefit. People throughout Kennett Square, PA have utilized these programs for years, and have gone on to achieve success in their recovery. When you are ready, you can provide that same support to others in your community.